Does Wordof Faith Teaches Again Sin

The theology Charla grew up in goes by many names: give-and-take-faith, word of organized religion, name information technology and claim it, the health and wealth gospel, and prosperity gospel. This "gospel" teaches that we can speak things into beingblessings, money, and healing. If you can name it, y'all claim information technology. I (Hillary F.) met Charla when I visited a Christian bookstore after speaking in North Carolina. Her heart for the Lord was clearly evident, and her story about coming out from the prosperity gospel worldview was compelling. I asked if she would be interested in sharing with our Mama Acquit coiffure what this teaching did to her and what she has been learning since. I promise her story resonates with y'all all like information technology did with me.

When Fear Infiltrates Prayer, by Charla Matthews

My journey as a Christ-follower was consumed with more questions than answers, which prepare the scene for God to reveal a problem with my prayer life.

Seated at my writing desk-bound, I pulled a piece of heavy-weight notebook paper from a file and began recording my words of prayer followed by a passage of Scripture. Turning to Scripture is a spiritual subject area that I apply for walking in the peace of God; information technology calms the storms in my spirit. The passage I wrote that twenty-four hours was John sixteen:23-24.

"In that 24-hour interval, you will not question me about annihilation. T ruly, truly, I say to y'all, if you ask the Begetter for anything in my name, He will give it to you. Until now, you have asked for nothing in my name; enquire and you lot will receive, and so that your joy may be fabricated full."

Unremarkably, after I write down the Scripture after my prayer, I put abroad my journal and move forward with my day. But Jesus' words in John xvi did non feel peaceful to me that mean solar day. In fact, I felt kind of rattled. So much and then that I chose to linger a while in silence, yearning to empathise the crusade of my discontent.

I resisted a give-and-take study and left my commentaries on the shelf. I but felt led by the Holy Spirit to look on the Lord and read the passage once more. I noticed that reading the words in my name caused a stir in my spirit, merely not the adept kind. I didn't bristle exactly; I kind of shied abroad. I desired the fullness of joy promised in His Words, simply joy was not what I felt.

What does that hateful? Why did merely reading the words 'in my name' crusade me so much discomfort? I had limited my use of the phrase out of fear that I would misuse it over again. Click To Tweet

A simple question whispered in faith. A uncomplicated reply revealed the truth of my heart. The tethers of chains were applied so subtly then long ago that I hadn't even known they were at that place. I turned back to my paper and penned these words:

Male parent, I immune fright to infiltrate my life…for years. Oh. My. Soul. My time under fake teaching…it still has a weed in my spirit doesn't information technology? They used "in My name" as a formula — a mystic spell or incantation — for prosperity, status, bossing You around. They used Your name, Jesus, for personal gain. They reduced Your holiness to a ticket for claiming goods and self-celebrity. They hurt the hurting. They impoverished the poor. They bankrupted the spirits of so many in need; they notwithstanding exercise. I was so agape of speaking, "in Jesus' name" in an unholy motivation that I stopped. Y'all opened my eyes to come across. Wow."

Yous see, for several years I saturday under a slithery and deceptive false teaching. Some call information technology Word of Faith. Others call information technology the prosperity gospel. Those who know the truth telephone call information technology simulated doctrine. (Hillary and Amy addressed these doctrines in their podcasts about #WakeUpOlive and Todd White).

God delivered me from the Discussion of Faith lies more 10 years ago, yet there I sat bound past fear and limited in prayer.

It'southward not that I never said "in Jesus' name" when I prayed; it'southward that I limited my use of those words out of fear. I can attempt to explain information technology, but only God really knows how my prayers were limited because of my fear of misusing the proper name of my Savior.

Nevertheless, I am a living testimony to the words of God through Paul the Campaigner:

"In the aforementioned fashion the Spirit also helps our weakness; for nosotros do non know how to pray as nosotros should, simply the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings besides deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the heed of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the volition of God. And we know that God causes all things to work together for adept to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:26-28, NASB)

Male parent, I immune fearfulness to infiltrate my life…for years. Oh. My. Soul. They used 'in my name' equally a formula — a mystic spell or incantation — for prosperity, status, bossing you around. They used your name, Jesus, for personal gain. Click To TweetWhen God exposed the evil of their teachings and the error my ways, my spirit fractured in humiliation and fear. I confessed my fall, the charade perpetrated by the Word of Organized religion movement, the prevarication that anyone has the correct to control the One Truthful God, in whatsoever manner. I repented of the lie I had believed that ANYONE could 'command' the Ane Truthful God. #wordoffaith Click To Tweet

God ready me on a journey under the imprint of Absolute Truth. He redeemed my time nether faux teaching and used it to glorify Him in truth. I know the deviation now between using Jesus' proper name in an unholy way and speaking the proper name of Jesus from a pure heart of truth.

The Word of Faith gospel negates ane three-letter word, which is found in the words of Christ in John xvi:23-24: ask. Jesus instructed His people to ask in His Name. The Discussion of Faith doctrine teaches people to command God (i.e. declare it to be then) so use the name of Jesus as the "passcode" for getting any it is they want. Similar Santa Clause or a genie in a bottle. Wiggle your nose and declare that God will exercise something, and poof! He will do it.

A relationship divers past commanding others defies relationship, right? Contrast that with a relationship divers by asking questions in faith and receiving answers in love. The latter elevates the relationship; it best-selling that the answers come up from the 1 who knows all and has our all-time interest at heart. In that location is a difference between a human relationship built on commanding, and i based on asking in faith. #wordoffaith Click To Tweet

Let me give yous an example to clarify the bespeak. I recently received a phone call where I learned of a sizeable (and unexpected) debt. Debt that I would accept to pay in the midst of my husband's chore loss and medical crisis. If I followed the command-formula of the Give-and-take of Organized religion doctrine, my prayer would take sounded something like this:

"Father, I have a financial demand and your Word tells me to come up boldly to your throne with my need. Your Word also tells me to ask anything of you in Jesus' name in organized religion that yous will grant my request. So, in Jesus' proper name, I need (insert any amount of money) and I expect to meet it in my banking company account in time to make that payment. I thank you lot for answering my prayer spoken in faith and according to your Give-and-take; considering you lot tell me to remind you of your promises to your people. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. Then be it. I declare in faith, information technology is done."

Instead, this is how I prayed according to Jesus' teaching:

"Begetter, I come to you in Jesus' proper noun because He made the way for me be your child and seek your volition. It's truthful I feel overwhelmed and my tears testify to that fact. But my tears do not reduce the power of my faith in you. You hear. You lot know. Yous intendance. How will this debt exist paid? I don't know but You do. You own all, and I am yours. I know you will show me your way, and until I know your reply, I will continue with the tasks at hand. Thank you for access to you through prayer, and give thanks you for the way you choose to answer."

Merely consider how this story began. I asked my Father the simple question, "What does that hateful?"

When I pray in Jesus' name at present, in that location is a holy and sacred pause because of who He is. We, His followers, are taught to place our faith in Him, to ask, and to know that He hears and will respond. Praying in Jesus' name reminds me — turns my heart toward — the merciful truth of who He is and what He did for me.

My prayer life is more powerful and more sacred because of who I am in — and because of — Christ.

Charla Matthews is a sojourner in Christ who seeks to listen to — and obey — the unmarried Voice of Truth. She thrives on communicating God's Discussion through teaching and writing. Charla enjoys a good belly laugh, gets misty-eyed during profound moments with God, and strives for quality living with family and friends. To a higher place all else, she loves Jesus without shame. Connect with Charla on her website, Truth in the Midst.


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